Monday, January 13, 2014

Zemana AntiLogger

Seeds: 132Peers: 79
Torrent Size: 12 mb
Files: 2

Category: Security|Keylogger / Monitoring
Developer: Zemana Ltd
Size: 12 Mb
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Anti-Logger, developed to deal with different kinds of malware threats, protects your banking passwords, private emails and conversations from spying proactively without needing a signature-based algorithm and includes, methods & anti- , # x, n powerful. AntiLogger prevents all known forms of malware which intend to carry out information theft. As AntiLogger uses a proactive and a unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not been recognized or identified by any anti-virus programs consequently, it protects the Security the Informaçãoa from a variety of threats. Modules: Anti-SSL Logger, Anti-WebCam Logger and Anti-Clipboard Logger are the first security solutions developed in the world. Additionally, you will realize that these modules have the best features in comparison to similar applications. Anti-Keylogger module provides a new powerful protection against keyloggers which have not yet been caught by known, the application of the most popular security software in the world.

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