Saturday, October 19, 2013

MaryFi 1.1 Portable

Seeds: 118Peers: 76
Torrent Size: 14 mb
Files: 2

Category: Network Tools|Misc. Networking Tools
Developer: MarySoft
Size: 14 Mb
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Maryfi free and easy to use software router Windows 7 computers. Maryfi users to share a wireless Internet connection: a cable modem, cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi enabled devices, including laptops, smartphones, music players, and gaming systems to see and connect to the hotspot Maryfi than any other Wi-Fi access point and are kept safe password-protected WPA2 Ulc , pteerimist. Maryfi share expensive airport Wi-Fi along with co-workers, create a hotspot in your ethernet-only hotel or dorm room, which was still, la home router. Get MaryFi and take it for a spin on what it can actually do for you!

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