All-in-one mp3 toolbox. Fast, extremely powerful and very easy to use. Recognized by thousands of users speed, ease of use, stream-lined interface andthe full functionality. All string manipulating tools are based on the same advanced template / parser engine that is known for its ease of use, andthe stability. Highly configurable auto letter case fix and auto substring replacement can be used for all operations. Full control of the bulk of the processing is highly configurable and powerful processing filter. Batch processing operations can be re-used in the preview?? Mode, which does not actually changes have been made, and they can be completely undone if they apply to the real thing. It is so easy to drown tragically, richly MP3 tagging tools, but a quick look at Mp3/Tag Studio and you'll know what we mean when we say that you will never need to look for another such tool again. Here are some of the main features Mp3tag Studio: the overall operation of the program: MP3 Framework to perform complex operations. ? Individual files are easy to work with entire directories, trees, and a unique set of selected files. ? Full support ID3v1.0, ID3v1.1 and ID3v2 tags (optional Superfast v2 signs that writes Cl Labels v2 files faster than any of the other signs of the program!)? Advanced customizable filtering options can be used only possible files that meet certain criteria assigned to a person. ? Maximum speed and ease of use, intuitive and clean interface. ? Advanced re?-Mode for advanced users experienced Minster, MIGA to normal? Mode, if neonates before the program is easy to use and users will not carry out complex operations. ? Re Preview? Mode, all tagging and renaming functions. ? Undo function for all tagging and renaming functions. ? Include a discussion thread Approval efficient and the overall benefit of any Member State, or the file name to download all the connected devices. ? Highly customizable shell extension (Windows Explorer right-click menu) strong operations on files and directories. ? Detailed context-sensitive help and tooltips voluntary program to all controls. The name means andthe label: Car names and their MP3 device? Rename mp3: S andthe coded tags based on data content, in whatever form you want. ? Automatically detect mp3 files and rename them (it does not matter, for example, is different from the file extension. MP3 now)? Arrange and organize MP3: Complex's directories (created by the program) alapjána member andthe coded data. ? Volunteering is not the character, save the settings (including the replacement of the original text). The default settings are fully consistent with the rules of English grammar. ? Easy to set up and record a template. Automatic labeling device file names? Set MP3 tags: and analyze the file name and path. Detailed analysis of the distribution of any of the strings to manage the member's area. ? Volunteering is not the character, save the settings (including the replacement of the original text). The default settings are fully consistent with the rules of English grammar. ? Easy to set up and record a template. Direct file renaming tool? Rename files alapjána current name. Full support for automatic output directory, rename tool. ? The same template-based string analyzer developed a writing member. ? Individual on-site support, or support the file name changes. ? Volunteering is not the character, save the settings (including the replacement of the original text). The default settings are fully consistent with the rules of English grammar. ? Easy to set up and record a template. Members of direct manipulation tool? Copy data from any territory, ignoring the member's area versions and other restrictions? Convert ID3v1 tags ID3v2 tags? Convert ID3v2 tags ID3v1 tags? Save the settings preset weight easily accessible cl ... |
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